
Monday, December 10, 2012

Just Because

While browsing YouTube, as I tend to do when "studying" for final exams, I found this song by a band called Youngblood Hawke.  This is the acoustic version of their song "We Come Running".  Check it out.
You may consider this a "musical Monday".   ;p

'til next time.


Monday, November 05, 2012

Pictures = Happy Pills

So, for a while now, I haven't been the most cheerful person.. I've been trying to change that.
The best way for me to change my mood and overall outlook on life is through pictures, music, and conversations with friends.  (or simply chatting with people in general.  I love to talk, even if my social skills are about as advanced as that of your typical hermit.)
Anyway, here are some of the pictures that I mentioned.  They always help to put me in a better mood.
I love pictures. :)

 Random Fact: I love Psych, and all things pertaining to it's awesomeness. :)
Have a schweet day!

all photos found on Pinterest.  
(When I'm lazy I'm vague.)

Friday, October 05, 2012

Missing in Action

First off, I'd like to apologize for going missing for a while.  I won't waste time with excuses.. that's lame.  Instead, here is some random things/pics that I have found recently..  :)

because.. socks are awesome.
you never know.. ;)

Have a schweet day! ;)

photo credit:
beauty print
hendrix art (by Ed Chapman)

Monday, September 03, 2012

Artsy Mood

Today, as I was doing my assignment for my drawing class, I began to feel especially happy.  I'm not sure where this came from.. It's not that my "art" made me particularly proud, or happy to look at it for that matter.. I'm a terrible artist.
Perhaps it's just the overall joy of having an outlet for my emotions that helped me to let go of the stress of the day and to help the gladness grow? I'm not sure, but I'd like to think this is true..
Speaking of art, here are some great images by the lovely Cathy McMurray which I found today thanks to Design Milk.
These are some of my favorites by her. :)

Pssst: She also has an etsy shop found here.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Today, I'm Overjoyed

I heard this song today. I do love Matchbox twenty.. :)

Day Dreaming

Bucket List Monday:
Visit Tulsa Oklahoma, and drive on the roller-coaster highway.

I wonder how fast you would have to go to actually jump your car.. It makes me think of motorcross..
Wouldn't this be so exciting?

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Second Star to the Right, and Straight on 'Till Morning

For some reason, this picture reminds me of Peter Pan. This is how I would picture Wendy Darling, in modern day.

“Dreams do come true, if only we wish hard enough. You can have anything in life if you will sacrifice everything else for it.” 
-J. M. Barrie

Friday, August 24, 2012

In a Nutshell

My week has been absolutely filled to the brim with craziness.  It being the second week of school, my professors have been getting used to dishing out a whole boat-load of homework assignments, and sneaking in tests here and there.. making blogging an afterthought.
I also started my first job this week. I'm a janitor at my old elementary/charter school.  It's very strange to run into my 5th-8th grade teachers on a daily basis, but I find that I rather enjoy it.  I love being able to stay close to them.  (Another funny tidbit, one of my co-janitors is a girl I've gone to school with since 5th grade! She actually got me the job..)
Also, I'd like to take this moment to brag that thanks to studying, and ditching my terrible college-freshman habits, that I totally aced my tests! Yay! (*applause* Thank you! Thank you! *curtsy*)
Oh! Another thing.. Here is a song that I've been obsessed  with lately. I love the mariachi band twist. It always gives me the biggest smile and the sudden urge to dance like the crazy loon I am..

Have a lovely day!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Quite Frankly, it's Been Quite a Calm Day.

Not much has gone on today, aside from the norm.  Sleeping in, lazily getting ready for the day, going to church, listening and discovering some great music.. and I also happened upon this set of prints and patterns by artist Kendra Dandy! I think i'm in love, or something of the sort.. Aren't they just lovely?!

Love is not a thing to understand. 
Love is not a thing to feel. 
Love is not a thing to give and receive. 
Love is a thing only to become 
And eternally be.
-Sri Chinmoy
Happy Sunday!

Friday, August 17, 2012

Hello World

Welcome to my newly founded blog! 
I've been debating on whether or not to actually get this thing going, but thanks to my positively lovely friend Cindy, I've been nudged into the blogger world. (She really wants me to do a guest post on her blog, for some strange reason. I honestly don't get it but... oh well.) I used to have a different blog in the 7th and 8th grade, but once I got a Facebook I became utterly distracted from it. (Don't worry. It was a ridiculously silly thing. It's nice to have a fresh start! Lets just hope that history isn't planning on repeating itself anytime in the near future..)
I can't wait to actually start posting about.. things. This shall be lovely! (I hope.)
Sit tight! Things just might get exciting.. *wink wink*

p.s. Are emoticons bad blog etiquette, or are all bloggers just too cool to use them? I haven't spotted a single emoticon in any of the blogs I follow.. Hmm.. Strange.. That just might keep me curious for a while.